Santa GUI

The Santa GUI displays user GUI notifications. The types of notifications it can display are:

Blocked Executions

When Santa prevents a binary from executing, it presents a dialog to the user containing information about the binary that was denied. The message presented to the user, the text of the Open button, and the destination URL for where to send users when the Open button is clicked are all configurable on both a global and per-rule basis.

If the rule was configured as silent, it will not display a dialog when Santa denies a binary from executing.

Example blocked execution dialog

Blocked File Access

File Access Authorization allows admins to configure Santa to monitor filesystem paths for potentially unwanted access and optionally deny the operation. The message presented to the user, and the text of the Open button, are configurable on both a global and per-rule basis.

Example File Access Authorization block dialog blocking access to Chrome Cookies

Blocked USB Mounting

Santa can be configured to either prevent USB drives mounting, or force certain options to be applied when mounting, such as mounting read-only.

USB mount with forced flags

User Notifications

User notifications display for the following reasons:

  • The client mode changes
  • Specific rules arrive when using FCM for push notifications
